Billy Wilder+Raymond Chandler驾驭的开篇即揭示谋杀的倒叙独白Phyllis与Neff客厅对峙戏很精彩'I love you, too' 最终的点烟镜头经典据说有深意|How could I have known that murder could sometimes smell like honeysuckle?|| They may think it's twice as safe because there's two of them, but it isn't twice as safe. It's ten times twice as dangerous. ..And it's not like taking a trolley ride together where they can get off at different stops. They're stuck with each other and they got to ride all the way to the end of the line and it's a one-way trip and the last stop is the cemetery.
从孩童到老者从爱情到婚姻从忠诚到不忠从呵护到蹂躏从弱小到强大最好的遇见电视剧啊你就是这个造物主赐予人间最美好的礼物你既具有万种柔情也可以无坚不摧;你能孕育生命这种力量无人可比;你心怀慈悲却又坚韧不拔;你默默奉献只为心中所爱你是妻子、女儿、母亲但你始终是你自己你承受了太多苦难作为第二性你始终承受了过多评价和外界的眼光也许你需要付出几倍于男性的努力才能获得自己想要的东西但也请你不要放弃和气馁be yourself and get what you want另外看到其中一个片段是一个女性因为会认字了非常开心就想到了我妈妈真的希望我妈妈能够自如的看书读报啊